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Six common misunderstandings of vector frequency converter


Due to the diversity of the use, variety and price of the vector inverter, it is easy to misunderstand some of the advantages of using the inverter. Here are six common myths we've heard about frequency conversion over the years, take a look and make sure you don't have the wrong impression of using frequency converters in your applications.

1. Vector frequency converter The programming and control of the frequency converter is more complex

Most modern inverters have an impressive list of available parameter Settings, don't be surprised, it makes you feel like you need to use these parameters to program every inverter application, in our experience, most inverters really only need to set a few parameters, usually around 10.


2. Inverters are expensive

Inverters are considered an expensive option compared to traditional starters or other equipment. In fact, over time, the price of frequency drives has become more and more economical, and many manufacturers have met the demand for low-cost drives. Take a look at Blumeril's inverters, many of which are designed specifically for those looking for simpler and more economical inverters. It is worth noting that in addition to the additional cost, in many applications, the frequency converter can also save a lot of energy, which can save several months to several years of costs. In addition, in some applications, frequency converters can increase production and equipment uptime.


3 Installing a Jamon in your PC always saves energy

While energy saving is an important advantage of using a frequency converter, this is not always the case. You can see ideal energy savings in fan or pump applications because they usually don't need to run at full speed all the time. Because the inverter can match the load with the motor, unnecessary excess power can be effectively eliminated in a certain period of time. Regardless of the application or speed used, frequency converters usually bring benefits to every application.


4. The size of the vector inverter should be adjusted according to the horsepower of the motor.

Although horsepower is generally considered not a more accurate way to describe the size of a motor or inverter, there are several factors that affect motor power, but make sure your motor has the correct inverter size. One way is to check the full load current rating on the nameplate of the motor. If you do not know where to find this information, you can contact the motor manufacturer to find the inverter that suits your motor size.


5. Vector frequency converter will eliminate all mechanical and electrical stresses

Inverters, while eliminating mechanical shocks and high starting currents, can also create harmful high-frequency currents in the power supply system, and for most inverters, our engineers recommend using at least one line reactor to help control harmful harmonics and power pollution. The greater the frequency conversion, the more you need to be careful because it can affect not only your electrical system, but also your neighbor's electrical system. Here is more information about harmonics and how harmonic filters work.


6. Vector frequency converter requires a special motor


Many people think that inverters need a special type of motor, but any three-phase induction motor can run on an inverter. However, there are a few things to consider before using a frequency converter on a motor. For example, if your motor is old, you may need to check the insulation level to see if the wires meet the inverter's rated load. When running at low speed, please ensure that the motor is cooled correctly and the lead length is not too long, otherwise it will cause dV/dT, and investing in the shaft grounding ring will help keep the motor running effectively.


I hope that by reading these six misunderstandings about the use of vector frequency converters, you can help you better understand the advantages of frequency converters in applications. Understanding how the inverter will affect all parts of your application, including the motor, will help you run your application as stably as possible. Check out our inverter product showcase to see the sizes and models of the various inverters we offer.


Guangdong Jiesheng Electric Technology Co., LTD. main products are inverter, domestic inverter, vector inverter, high performance inverter, economic inverter and so on. The company was founded in 2014, is a focus on motor controller, industrial automation controller completely independent research and development, manufacturing, design, sales and service integration of high-tech enterprises, the company has a loyal with a high level of cooperation team. The team has a wealth of field and problem solving capabilities, solid product design and research and development skills, innovative, open, free R & D team atmosphere, many years of service experience in the automation industry, a deep understanding of customer needs and industry trends, combined with strong distribution channels, real-time service customers.